Why become NICET Fire Alarm Certified?

I have gotten asked the question before, primarily by my students.  I teach at an electrical trade school in NY and tell my students the great opportunities that exist in the fire alarms industry and why they should become NICET certified.  Here are some of the benefits I can think of….

  1. Salary increase – Most NICET certifies techs get paid a higher salary than those techs with no certification.
  2. Prove your serious about this industry – By becoming NICET certified you are showing your employer and perspective employer that you are serious about your career goals.
  3. Setting goals – Climbing the NICET levels is setting goals for yourself.

NICET can help you meet your goals if:

  • you want to move up the career ladder
    NICET certification is a tangible and objective statement of your capabilities and initiative.
  • your accomplishments, capabilities, and professionalism are important to you
    NICET certification symbolizes a level of personal achievement that confers pride and professional confidence.
  • you want your qualifications to be recognized by customers and specifiers
    Your NICET certificate will provide assurance that you have the know-how and experience to get the job done right.
  • you want to be recognized by your peers as being among the best
    Your NICET certification will brand you as an “insider” who cares about your co-workers and your industry.
  • you want to enhance the stature of your profession
    Supporting certification promotes excellence and improved customer service and builds up the reputation of the profession and the industry.
  • you want a credential that is portable
    Because NICET is a national organization, your certification will follow you from employer to employer or from state to state.
  • You want tools to plan your career
    The content outlines, training resources, and references provided in Program Detail Manuals for most programs can be useful in setting and pursuing career goals. Once certified, you will accumulate points for recertification through the kinds of activities (continued work experience, training sessions, association memberships, etc.) that will serve to advance your professional standing.

