NICET Certification Fire Alarm System Pop Quiz Question

Below is another pop quiz question to help you prep for the NICET Certification Fire Alarm System exam.  Feel free to browse other questions here.

Question: A speaker/strobe (alarm notification appliance) was installed in a gymnasium of a school.  The design engineer has specified the appliance to be protected from flying objects using a wire guard.  According to NFPA 72, If guards, covers, or lenses are employed, they shall ____________________.

(a) be listed for use with the appliance.
(b) be of a different color than the installed appliance.
(c) be installed only when approved by the AHJ.
(d) be at least twice the size of the installed appliance.

Using the index we arrive at the keyword: Notification Appliance -> Protection … 18.3.4 to find the answer: (a).


If you would like more NICET certification fire alarm exam questions, check out our study guides:

Level 1 –>>
Level 2 –>>
